emery's arrival was the closest i've come to almost missing a birth. alisha text me at 8:30am telling me she was being admitted and miss emery made her grand entrance less than 3 hours later. i literally sprinted through the parking lot and down the hallways while receiving texts from alisha saying, "baby now" and "pushing". i got there just in time to see her first and only push and meet beautiful, teeny tiny, 5 pound, 14 ounce, baby emery.
*p.s. if you are thinking about booking a birth story or newborns for 2012 dont forget to do it before january 1st to receive current pricing! you'll save a ton!
Hi, I can't get your contact tabs to work for me on your website, so if you get this message please email me (michelle@luekenga.com) I would like to schedule a session now. Thanks!
Glad you didn't miss it! She is so beautiful and I love all the little moments you are able to capture! Congrats Alisha!
Hi, I can't get your contact tabs to work for me on your website, so if you get this message please email me (michelle@luekenga.com) I would like to schedule a session now. Thanks!
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