What to Wear | Lifestyle Newborn Edition

One of the questions I get the most when booking newborn sessions is, what should my baby wear? With lifestyle sessions its best to keep clothing simple and comfortable. You want to be able to capture your baby just as they are with classic and timeless images. Sometimes over the top outfits, bows and props can take away from these sweet little ones. You can have them wear bright colors and prints if you'd like or you can never go wrong with just white! Keep in mind these brand new babies are so itty bitty even 0-3 months will be too big so be sure to get the newborn size. My favorite brands for newborns are Gap, Jcrew, Kickee Pants, Loved Baby (available online and at Sassy Babies). For headbands or bows I would definitely recommend Bloomies. If you are looking for custom leggings and hats check out Little Nugget Noggins. Tell them I sent you! I also have a lot of outfits and accessories which you are more than welcome to use and don't be afraid to ask if you have any questions! :)


White on white. My favorite.

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