

i can't believe this little guy is almost one. i swear it was just yesterday when my sister called and said she was having an emergency c-section, 3 weeks early! now he's a big healthy 1 year old. i couldn't have asked for a more beautiful nephew.



whitney holland. said...

Where did you do Ashley's pics?! I love that BLUE wall!! I soooo want to get ours taken!

whitney holland. said...

p.s. this little guy is TO DIE FOR!

Ashley said...

Oh my, Alexis you are in so much trouble. Boston is flawless! Jen you Rock! Love all them!

Kelli Bramble said...

These look great, Jen! Love that first one.

Marissa Vargason said...

Awe Jen he is freaking adorable!!! I love your photos! You are doing great! It was fun to meet you tonight! we need to meet again and go scouting :)

Joy Alice Photography said...

He is darling! That third one down is absolutely darling.

Alexis Blackner said...

Ok, I LOVE LOVE LOVE them. I cannot wait to see the rest. Thanks, YOU ARE AMAZING!

Jordan said...

He really is such a handsome guy! And the pics are fabulous, as always!

Brad Alberts said...

JEN YOU ARE AMAZING! I love these pictures, it helps that Boston is a total stud muffin too.


Paige said...

Beau is so lucky to have such a handsome cous as Bossie! Jen the pictures are amazing....Thanks, so much for fitting Beau in while you were down here.

Lisa McElmurry said...

He is soooo adorable! Love the photos!

Kathy Scoffield said...

He is LUCIOUS!! What a cutie!