
hot mama melisa.

i've known melisa for a couple of years now. she is an amazing mother to a gorgeous little boy. when I was a first time mom with nix, I came to her with so many questions because I knew she knew all the answers. she seems to always have it all together and is a total super mom and wife. thanks melisa for a really fun and beautiful shoot.



Sara said...

Melisa looks GORGEOUS!!!! GREAT PICS!!!

Andrea said...

Great job Jen! Melisa looks amazing. Love it.

Jordan said...

Super cute. Love the one on the end!

Mrs. Walker said...

I love them! Thank you so much! You didn't tell me I was making a stink eye though, I told you I couldn't pose! lol.

lizwalker said...

How do I buy some? Melisa is gorgeous inside and out!