

okay. could there be a more gorgeous family? max was not a fan of me. at all. but we still got a few shots which happen to be some of my all time favs. i was in a vintage mood. obviously.

and this one... just for fun.. but man. morgan is perfection.


Ashley said...

it doesn't get more perfect than this! WOW! Love all of them!

Yours truly said...

WOW, that is a beautiful family, but it definitely helps that the photographer is extremely talented!

Anonymous said...

Oh Jen, you are one talented woman for capturing my son at his worst and still making these pictures cute. And I have to say that only Max would be wearing Crocs and have a neon green car in his hand for pictures....he is such a little stink. Thanks so much for putting up with him the other day. Hopefully he will be better in a couple of months for his 3 year old pictures!

Diana said...

Jen, those turned out so cute! You would never know that Max was not a happy camper that day! And Morgan you look gorgeous as always!

Jordan said...

Absolutely gorgeous family! That last one of Morgan is to die for...she looks stunning.

Photo's by Shan said...

Those are gorgeous Jen!

cache and lindsey said...

beautiful family! the little boy is ADORABLE with his truck and crocs. you are amazing jen!

Cheerfully Charmed said...

Oh, I love them all! I love the vintage look you've got going on! Gorgeous little fam!