
the website.

click HERE to check out my new website and tell me what you think!

finally my website is done!! well i still need to add a few more images to my galleries but other than that it's complete!! what a project! to celebrate the launching of my website i thought i'd do a contest!!

what's up for grabs?
$50 off any session booked in the month of august!
the best part about this contest is i will be giving away more than 1!
how many entries i get will decide how many people will receive this discount!

to enter my contest here's what you need to do!
-put my button anywhere on your blog using the code below-
- post on your blog about my contest-
-leave me a comment with a link to your blog-

dont have a blog? you can still play!
-email 5 people with a link to this blog-
-post a link to my blog on your facebook, myspace, twitter, etc-
-email me at jenherem@yahoo.com-
definitely tell friends and family because the more people who enter the more people who win!!!
I'll post the winner(s) this weekend! Good Luck!



Anonymous said...

Hi Jen! I entered and my blog is john-n-morgan.blogspot.com. Like you didn't already know. Love the new site!

kristen and scott said...

hi jen! okay! i did it too!! my blog is
(ahhh! i think!) i will give you access to it!!

Mandy said...

I put your new button on my blog and I will write a post about the contest next!! www.mandyelizabeth81.blogspot.com (so can I get to see more of those pictures now??) I can't wait anymore!

Ashley said...

love it!!! I am going to my blog now. You are the best!!!

Ashley said...

forgot to add this....

franco&leks said...

your website is amazing. love it.


Georges...party of 4 said...

you do some great work! I added ya and entered the contest.

my blog is famgeorge.blogspot.com

briana (langford) george

whitney holland. said...

ADORABLE JEN! I for sure will be posting in on my blog! I could use a session in August ;)

Cheerfully Charmed said...

It looks fabulous Jen! Everything you touch is golden! I've officially entered the contest! Best of luck!


Matt and Abby said...

Hey, You don't really know me but I look at your blog all the time. My name is Abby Lawson. I knew Alexis in high school and you do awesome work! I put your button on my blog!

Brooke said...

I want in! You seriously take some awesome pictures!! I'd love to win and have Bindi's done!

Nicole Lawrence said...

Hey hey hey...

you have been PROMOTED! :-)


Thanks again for snapping some shots of the twins!
