
nathan + stefani

this was a super gorgeous wedding. the bride. the groom. the decor. loved it all. my talented friend brooke came along to help me and i couldn't have done it without her. i was planning on not booking anymore weddings but after this one.. i just can't stop. i enjoyed it way too much so bring on the love! this was only my second wedding so don't be shy.. tell me what ya think.



Bethany Gourdin said...

you are absolutely amazing! keep up the great work!

Yours truly said...

Jen you did an amazing job, they are incredible!

Ivy Alleman said...

Jen they turned out AWESOME! Good job!!!

Brad + Lauren said...

Well I will be honest with you... AMAZING! lol Whatever you shoot with your camera turns out beautiful. I love your eye for detail hun! Cant wait til November

Zack and Julie Martin said...

Jen I was blown away those are so amazing! I wish that you were taking the pictures at my wedding forever ago!

Mandy said...

FABULOUS! You are amazing.

Andrea said...

Gorgeous! For sure don't stop doing weddings!

Anonymous said...

great job jen!