

for those of you who have been following my blog since the beginning then you've seen this darling, beautiful and energetic little doll just a few times before. :) she is always one of my favorites to photograph so i was delighted when her mom asked me to come to her 2nd birthday party. this party was adorable. pink, pink, pink! she wouldn't have it any other way! it was held at a local gymnasium and the kids went wild! it was a blast chasing after all of them. happy birthday zaida!!



Scott and Chelsey said...

wow! awesome job! i need that outfit in my size! ash sure knows how to dress her...

Ashley said...

Jen, I can hardly stand how talented you are! Thank you for capturing every moment for us! we love you!!!

Diana said...

Jen these turned out so cute!!!

Brooke said...

Not going to lie, all that candy is making jealous!