
my very own | utah children's photographer

people always ask, you must take a billion pictures of your boys? um negative. lately i dont have a ton of time and they usually run the other direction when they see me with my camera... shocking, i know. plus i have this thing where i feel super guilty editing images of my own kids when i am so behind on images of everyone else's kids. ha ha. but.. after chasing them down, putting their clothes back on for the hundredth time today, and threatening their little lives, i got these. they were seriously everywhere, never listening to a word i said and trying to kill each other at every chance they got. but still... they are my very own and i love them more than they'll ever know. (sorry, had to have my sappy mommy moment).

me: guys, give each other a hug. typical.

overheard today while playing together in their room.. nixen: "maddon, i yuv you poopy butt". melted my heart.



Sonya Marie said...

I love your pictures! Incredible!!

Shawntae @ alittlekingandi said...

i love them way to much! this shows them and their personalities way to well.

Soo soo cute.

Shawntae @ alittlekingandi said...
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Jordan said...

Cute, cute, cute!

I can't believe how big Maddie looks all of a sudden....where does time go?

H and E said...

These images are priceless, what handsome and charismatic kids you have!

Anonymous said...

that post made me giggle. such cute brothers!

Galbfam said...

They are both soooooo cute.. Love them. Hey how much do you charge for family pics? You can email me..

Chelsea said...

They are too cute for words. You are amazing! Thanks again for today ;) XOXOX

Cheerfully Charmed said...

Love your boys and love your new bedspread!!!

Ashley Buervenich said...

How adorable are they!!!

Matt and Brooke said...

They are sooo cute!

Andrea said...

These are so adorable!

Jen-ben said...