
eight | modern baby photographer

finally... after weeks of begging my sister, my most adorable niece, baylee, had a sleepover (slumber, as we call em) at our house. of course, first things first... we had to get out the camera. my sister is going to kill me for not doing her hair, but come on. i have boys.. we don't "do" hair at our house. i was hoping having her here all day would cure the baby hunger ive been feeling lately. nope.

little missy in all her 5 pound newborn glory....

8 chubby months later....


Galbfam said...

She is BEAUTIFUL.....

Ashley Buervenich said...

Awe she is perfect, good work jen.

Unknown said...

oh my GOSH she is so beautiful. Great job as always Jen! And I think that hair rocks.

Colby and Steph Stringham said...

Uh... Yeah! I'm gonna have to agree with ya on that one! She is beautiful!!

Jordan said...

What's wrong with the hair??? That's usually what Scarlett's ends up looking like :) Oh wait, I have 2 boys too so I'm still figuring out what "doing" hair entails....

Those pictures are awesome! She is such a gorgeous baby. And who doesn't love a chunky baby?

Alexis Blackner said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE!!! She can slumber all of the time if we get beautiful pics like this....