
playdate with z | modern kids photography

a few weeks ago i had the pleasure of having a playdate, as i call them, with the incredibly adorable zaida. she is just as sweet as she was our first shoot when she was just 10 months old. i could seriously hang out with her all day... and to her mommy, i totally will. anytime.



Ashley said...

You seem to capture the most precious moments possible! I love these... Thank you for being you! Thank you for having fun ideas! Thank you for all you do for us. Zaida was in heaven with you this day. Still talks about it all the time. we love you

mommatojoa said...

What a beautiful girl!
She looks like she is having so much fun!

H and E said...

Seriously Zaida has got to be the most gorgeous little girl ever!!! And can I please have her wardrobe?
Great pics Jen!