
Best Baby Bump.

so i love contests and apparently so does everyone else! so.. im doing a baby bump contest. rules are pretty much the same from the cutest kids contest (read on)------------>


to enter:
e-mail me a picture of your baby bump by midnight friday, march 18th to jenherem(at)yahoo(dot)com with the subject: baby bump. when all of the entries have been received i will post a new album on my facebook page with all of the images. that’s when the voting will begin!


to vote:
go “like” your favorite baby bump and suggest my facebook page to your friends and family and have them vote, too. you can vote for as many or as few as you want. comments are fabulous, but they don’t count as a vote… you have to “like” the image.


voting will end a week after i've posted the album, on the 26th. the two baby bumps with the most “likes” will win! the winning mommies will receive a free mini maternity session with a cd of the images as well as 50% off your newborn session.


please only send one image per mommy. you dont need to be due in the next month, just before september 2011. photo submitted needs to taken within the last week or so. session must take place in weber, davis or salt lake county either on location or in your home.
*winners must be willing to book their newborn session with jen herem photography ($150 with discount applied).

good luck to all you beautiful mommies.
p.s. isn't audrie adorable! can't wait to meet her baby boy in may on my next trip to san jose.

1 comment:

Malerie said...

the only reason i'm not upset that i don't qualify for this contest, is because i wouldn't have been able to be in utah for a maternity session!!!
can't wait to see all those bellies!! :)