
News for twenty-thirteen.

I cannot believe this year has almost come to an end. It has been such a fabulous year for business and of course on the home front with our new Milo girl. I'm so looking forward to what 2013 will bring but lets take care of a little business, shall we?

2013 Pricing and End of Year Promotion:
In an effort to spend more time with my family and less time staring at my computer, I am making a few updates to sessions and pricing for 2013. Mini sessions will only be offered for 3 people or less and rates for baby, children, family and newborn sessions will increase. I am also taking a break from birth stories until my own little one is a bit bigger. :) Some other exciting news.. you will now be receiving your images from your session on custom USB drive instead of disc. Gotta keep up with technology! So many fun things to look forward too!

New rates will go into effect January 1st. All sessions booked for 2013 during November and December will receive my current pricing as well as 10% off. Email to book. Gift Certificates also available.

Holiday Cards:
I will be submitting card orders during the next couple of weeks. If you are planning on ordering please email me ASAP. They take about a week to be proofed and printed so plan in advance, if possible.

Instagram Giveaway:
During the month of December I will be giving away 1 session each week on Instagram (a newborn session, children's session, and 2 family sessions styled by yours truly). Make sure to follow me to enter! @jenheremphoto

Studio Sessions:
I will possibly be booking a few studio sessions this winter using a gorgeous natural light studio downtown Salt Lake. If you are interested in booking email me!


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