
eight | modern baby photographer

finally... after weeks of begging my sister, my most adorable niece, baylee, had a sleepover (slumber, as we call em) at our house. of course, first things first... we had to get out the camera. my sister is going to kill me for not doing her hair, but come on. i have boys.. we don't "do" hair at our house. i was hoping having her here all day would cure the baby hunger ive been feeling lately. nope.

little missy in all her 5 pound newborn glory....

8 chubby months later....
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mommy & boys | modern family photographer

i have been dying to do an entire shoot with an 'in bed' theme so when morgan asked me if i'd do a candid natural session at her home as a gift for daddy.. i said, um yes. max usually loves me but on this certain day wasn't too excited i was there.. i was still able to sneak in a few smiles. morgan, i promise your boys aren't any crazy than mine. enjoy.

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san jose spring sessions


San Jose

utah spring mini sessions will be announced soon.

just a couple more days to vote  for your favorite cutest kid.
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this morning i started out my weekend photographing these lovely pieces (more to come and giveaway next week).

then spent my afternoon getting started on these.



happy weekend everyone.
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time to vote.

all photo entries have been posted to my facebook page in the album titled, 'cutest kid contest'. it's now time to get your friends and family to vote by 'likeing' your photo(s). to vote they must first 'like' my page then 'like' their favorite photos. each photo has it’s own 'share' button so you can direct people right to your image(s). voting ends wednesday, the 23rd at midnight!

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allen clan | modern family photographer

i had every intention of getting my extended family session with the allen clan blogged tonight. i failed miserably. anything is better than nothing, right? more to come. XO


*all contest entries need to be emailed to me by wednesday at midnight. entries will be posted thursday morning on facebook.
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love | modern baby photographer


happy love day.
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free family session


to enter:
e-mail me a picture of your baby or child by wednesday, feb 16th to jenherem(at)yahoo(dot)com
when all of the entries have been received i will post a new album on my facebook page with all of the entries. that’s when the voting will start!

to vote:
go “like” your favorite cute kids and babies.
suggest my facebook page to your friends and family and have them vote, too.
you can vote for as many or as few little ones as you want. comments are sweet, but they don’t count as a vote… you have to “like” the image.

voting will end a week after i've posted the album on the 23rd. the baby or child with the most “likes” wins!
the winning baby or chlid's family will receive a free session with a cd of the images to take place this spring or summer.

please only send one image per child but you can definitely enter more than one child in your family.
children must be 10 years of age or younger.
photo submitted needs to taken within the last couple of months.
session will take place in weber, davis or salt lake county.
*this is not a photography contest. just a cute kid contest so any and all kinds of pictures are welcome!

good luck and thank you to my good friend jen fauset for the awesome idea.
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lyla | modern newborn photographer

a few more of 6 day old lyla and her adorable big brother and sister.
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playdate with z | modern kids photography

a few weeks ago i had the pleasure of having a playdate, as i call them, with the incredibly adorable zaida. she is just as sweet as she was our first shoot when she was just 10 months old. i could seriously hang out with her all day... and to her mommy, i totally will. anytime.

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